Easy Directory Submission greasymonkey script by dhanesh mane

Great news for all SEO managers, specially for those who daily working on directory submission.

I have created a greasymonkey script which will help you to submit more n more links by eliminating all manual stuff of copying the link details from excel and fill it in the forms of directory submission page. I am sure that this script will help you in your directory submission task and you can do 4 times better with this script.

Script Summary:
Make your directory submission work easy. This script fills the data in directory form automatically. You just have to enter captcha and hit enter.
Version: 1.0.0
Copyright: 2009+, Dhanesh Mane (http://userscripts.org/users/123333/)
License: (CC); http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/in/
Script Location: (CC); http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/64723

How to use easy directory submission script?
1. software requirements.
FF plugin - Greasymonkey (read about this plugin before using my script)

2. Install the script from location given above.

3. right click greasemonkey icon in FF and click on manage user script. Edit my script and enter your link details in appropriate variables. save it and that's done.

4. Next time when you open any directory submission page you can find that the data which you have entered in variables in my script will be automatically populated.

5. just select the category , enter captcha and hit enter.

Hope this will help all SEO professionals to improve there directory submission activity.

Magic with javascript

1. Open any website andtype following in address bar.
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';document.designmode='on';void 0

Now you can edit the page contents directly.

new php.ini directives in php5

PHP 5 came up with some new directives in php.ini file. I am writing about all new directives introduced in PHP 5. Heres the list...

1) mail.force_extra_parameters : Force the addition of the specified parameters to be passed as extra parameters to the sendmail binary.

2)register_long_arrays :

configures the php to allow or disallow the registration of long arrays $HTTP_*_VARS

possible values : On / Off


Recommended : If you are not using them then its recommended to keep them off for some performance reasons.

3) session.hash_function :
This directive allows us to configure the way of php's session id generation algorithm.
0: MD5 (128 bits)
1: SHA-1 (160 bits)

possible values : 0 / 1

Default : 0

4)session.hash_bits_per_character :
This directive allows us to define how many bits are stored in each character when converting the binary hash data to something readable.

possible values :
'4' (0-9, a-f)
'5' (0-9, a-v)
'6' (0-9, a-z, A-Z, "-", ",")

default : 5

5) zend.ze1_compatibility_mode :
This configuration directive allows us to enable or disable the compatibility with zend engine 1 ( which is a php 4 engine). Its set to Off as default and turning it on may affect cloning,casting. Objects are also passed by value instead of pass by reference.

possible values : On / Off

Adjacency List Model and Nested Set Model for hierarchical data in MySQL

I am working on classifieds website these days. These kind of websites are getting famous these days and they also have average kind of traffic. while working on database designing for websites like classifieds / auction / web directories, we have to take care of few things like

1. This is a tree structure which may have n levels.
2. And there has to a straight way to traverse from top to bottom and from bottom to top.
3. Strong tree traversal algorithm.
4. Retrieving a Single Path between two nodes.
5. Depth of nodes and depth of sub-tree and lots of other things.

For this we need a strong table design and relationship structure. In MySQL we can manage this hierarchical data with two different models.

1. The Adjacency List Model
2. The Nested Set Model

The Adjacency List Model is a very basic table structure which maintain the column lets say "parent" to maintain the parent child relationship. (It actually hold the PK of parent node). But this model again has some disadvantages, described in brief on the link at the bottom.

so,I came across a another hierarchical model called as nested set model. In this type of hierarchical data model parent nodes envelope there children. This is based on algorithm called as preorder tree traversal algorithm. This is a very good concept while working on tree structure tables.

Source of information : http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/hierarchical-data.html

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